While you're away

Important information for while you're abroad

While you're away, it's important to remember the requirements of your programme, including any paperwork or promotional activities. Below, you will find a list of requirements and some important information on what to do if you need help abroad.

Faq Items

Health and safety


My adult child is currently abroad, what do I do in an emergency?

Student requirements

Study abroad requirements

Completing your programme of study

Sharing your experiences abroad

Once you return from your adventure of a lifetime, you must provide the University with feedback on your experience. This can be in the form of a blog post with photos, or even a vlog. The more pictures and videos, the better. You can send these to goabroad@ljmu.ac.uk via WeTransfer but also tag @LJMUGlobalOpps on Twitter and Instagram using #LJMUGoAbroad.

We may also ask students to help us promote the Go abroad opportunities at LJMU once students return from their trip. This involves assisting with pre-departure promotion information sessions in the next academic year. This is an important part of our aim to get more LJMU students working and studying abroad, so keep in touch with the Study Abroad team and your International Mobility Coordinator.

Students studying abroad or undertaking an Erasmus traineeship will also be required to return any outstanding documents to goabroad@ljmu.ac.uk, such as their certificate of departure.

Contact us

Email: goabroad@ljmu.ac.uk

Visit us in the Student Life building Monday to Friday, 10am to 4pm (term time only)

Twitter: @LJMUGlobalOpps | Instagram: @LJMUGlobalOpps