What you can study

All study undertaken abroad will be recognised by LJMU and your time abroad will be noted on your academic transcript.

You are usually expected to study modules at the partner university in the same subject area as your degree programme at LJMU. However, you might be able to study language, culture or possibly even other modules in related academic subjects to your degree. The option for yearlong study abroad provides more flexibility in modules studied.

The final decision regarding the modules you can study will be made together with your School International Mobility Coordinator (IMC) before you go abroad. They will be able to provide you with guidance and explain how this will transfer back to your LJMU degree.

Credit conversion

The credit system at the partner will be different to LJMU, but all credit studied overseas will be converted back to LJMU credit and marks.


Institutions will use ECTS (European Credit Transfer System). The conversion is 2 LJMU credits = 1 ECTS. A full year workload is 60 ECTS (120 LJMU credits).

If you Study Abroad for less than a year, most institutions will expect you to study 30 ECTS (60 LJMU credits).

Outside Europe

Your School Study Abroad Coordinator will advise you regarding transfer of credits back to your degree programme.  

Please note
It is your responsibility to liaise with your IMC in order to gain approval for credit transfer once your placement is confirmed and your nomination to the host has occurred.

Award contribution

The additional year abroad contributes 50% of the level 5 mark (12.5% of the overall award mark). This is clearly stated in the programme spec for your programme:

“Option B: additional study year abroad following Level 5. The programme will offer the opportunity of an additional study year abroad following Level 5. Students will be enrolled on a 480 credit honours with study abroad programme. Of those 480 credits, 120 will be taken via a Level 5 study abroad module, the modules to be studied in the host institution must be agreed in advance. The Level 5 mean for the final award mark will be calculated based upon the 240 credits at Level 5”.

Accommodation overseas

Accommodation at partner universities varies greatly. At some partners, it is mandatory for students participating in a global opportunity to live on campus whereas other partners do not offer any university affiliated accommodation.

Whilst the idea of finding your own accommodation may seem daunting at first, with a little research you will quickly discover your options. Every country and host university are different, so we encourage you to contact returning students via your IMC. Do check your host university website and their social media channels for exchange students as these can be a very helpful resource.

Contact us

Email: goabroad@ljmu.ac.uk

Visit us in the Student Life building Monday to Friday, 10am to 4pm (term time only)

Twitter: @LJMUGlobalOpps | Instagram: @LJMUGlobalOpps