Subject and Local Software

What is the service?

The presentation of a searchable, categorised software collection through the ‘App Player’ for use on LJMU managed windows PCs. Software may be made available to all or selected PCs subject to licensing terms.

Who may access the service?

All LJMU staff and students may use the software. All staff may request installation of software for use on the network.

What are the benefits of the service?

  • Installation by experienced IT professionals
  • Licence management
  • Integration with other software if appropriate
  • Software can be made available at any University location and, via the LJMU Anywhere client, at any location with an internet connection.
  • Many applications are also available via the Off-Campus applications service, subject to licensing and compatibility

What is included?

This service includes

  • Investigation of suitability of software for network installation
  • Installation of software onto the network
  • Management of licence restrictions (number of copies, location used)

What is NOT included

Purchasing of software – see Staff IT purchasing guide

What should I expect?

Key metrics   Target
Time to respond to a software installation request  99.5% of requests responded to within 3 business days. Response constitutes evaluation of the request and scheduling of resources to begin the installation.
Time to begin installation  99% of software installations started within one business week of receipt of the software.


Subject and local software is normally available 24/7 subject to agreed maintenance windows and any licensing restrictions. (Some software is restricted by location, but the specified location may change outside of normal University business hours to accommodate building opening hours.)

Maintenance Windows

The service itself does not have any regular maintenance windows however individual application availability may be affected by scheduled downtime for licence upgrades, licence service upgrades etc. Work on the supporting servers may also affect availability. All maintenance work is managed on a case by case basis, subject to change control, and any service-affecting work will be publicised via the LJMU Pop-Up, Computing Announcements, Twitter, etc. as appropriate.


See IT Support for Staff and IT Support for Students. IT Services do not provide functional (usage) support for such applications. This is provided by the appropriate subject expert or via Library Services.


There are no charges for using this service.

What can I ask for?

Here are the requests you can make in relation to this service.  Click the Service Portal link (or if you prefer, browse to helpme and click Service Catalogue), then search for the name given in bold text in the table.

Type of Request  Service portal link  Minimum Notice Required (business days)
Software Installation Request Request Software Installation/Update/Removal

What are my responsibilities?

It is your responsibility when submitting requests to allow at least the minimum notice period for service requests to be fulfilled.

The minimum notice period for processing each type of service request during normal service operation is given in business days in the table. While it may be possible in isolation to fulfil some requests more quickly, this service operates alongside many other services. Requests are dealt with on a first-come, first-served basis and you must state clearly when making your request if you have a specific business deadline.

You must ensure you follow any relevant University policies.  (See below).

Related Policies

By using this service, you undertake to adhere to any policies governing it.  Policies relevant to this service are shown below.

IT Services Conditions of Use