About IT Services

What Digital means to LJMU

The use of technology is integral to the achievement of LJMU’s strategic plan. It supports all aspects of the University’s strategy, and enables both Academic and Professional Services staff to deliver an outstanding student experience, excellence in education, impactful research and scholarship and mutually beneficial civic and global engagement.

Our vision

To enable LJMU as a Digital University.

Our mission

To deliver a technology proposition valued by all students and staff and acknowledged as integral to the achievement of LJMU’s goals.

Our commitment

  • To deliver the best possible technology services within the framework of LJMU.
  • To have a customer service ethos and can-do culture, that continually delivers service excellence across all aspects of our remit.
  • To demonstrate high levels of professionalism and integrity through working collaboratively in partnership with colleagues.

Key outcomes

  • A University where the effective use of technology is a fundamental aspect of the activities that help achieve our strategic goals.
  • Delivering a digital proposition that engenders high levels of satisfaction and advocacy from our students and work colleagues.

What we do on your behalf

  • Run one of the largest data networks and data centre operations in Merseyside to make sure our key services are available on a 24x7x365 both on and off campus.
  • Make over 350 unique applications accessible from over 2,600 students PC’s, and 300+ laptops. Find a PC to use now
  • We provide free Wi-Fi to all our students and staff and to our visitors

Key numbers

  • Helpdesk x5555 (or go to the HelpMe self-service portal)
  • Over 10M network logins per annum
  • Over 750 Wi-Fi Hotspots,  24,000 Network points, 1,500km of data cables, 75 wiring closets, 400 data switches
  • Over 110 Physical Servers and 500 Virtual Servers
  • Enough data stored to fill over 30M filing cabinets
  • Over 350 applications available from the App Player Icon LJMU App Player

Help with IT

If you are a Student please use one of the following:

If you are member of staff, please use these pages including our Service Catalogue to explore the services we offer and how you may access them. Our Helpdesk team will be delighted to help with any IT request or query you may have and can be contacted via our HelpMe self-service portal, or on x5555 if you would like to speak to someone.