Teaching and Learning Awards

LJMU rewards and recognises academic excellence via the Teaching and Learning Excellence Awards.

Teaching Excellence Awards Framework

The Teaching Excellence Awards Framework makes provision for awards at both Faculty and University levels. This acknowledges the importance of recognition at local level whilst facilitating the identification of individuals whose practice has institutional and/or national reach.

  • Faculty awards: criteria allow for excellence to be demonstrated within a disciplinary context without necessarily needing evidence of impact beyond the subject area.
  • University awards: require evidence of broader reach within the University and, where appropriate, external to it.

Winners of University awards will be eligible to apply for ring-fenced funding to undertake a project aligned with their teaching expertise, ambitions for professional development and to facilitate their application for external recognition.    

University Awards align with core National Teaching Fellow expectations, and individuals or teams who win a University Award will be eligible for entry into LJMU’s NTF/CATE coaching programme.

University Award Categories

Categories for University awards are as follows:

Faq Items

Rising Star

Individual Teaching Excellence

Excellence in Digital Education

Academic Leadership

Equality, Diversity and Inclusion

Find out more information about the Teaching Excellence Awards Framework.