Administration Development Programme

  • Administration graphic3 x 3 hour sessions – Session 1, Session 2 and Session 3.
  • Sessions are part of a programme of sessions. Session 1 must be completed to do Session 2 and so forth. Staff who cannot complete one of the sessions should email the programme leaders. Session 2 is split into two sessions 2a and 2b, due to IT Suite capacity; both sessions are exactly the same so you only need to register for one of them.
  • An LJMU Administration Development Programme certificate of completion will be provided to those who complete the programme.
  • Optional administration related sessions will be promoted within the programme.

Session 1

  • Role of the Administrator
  • Time Management and Planning
  • Digital Skills
  • Reflection on administration practice
  • Canvas

Session 2

  • Word
  • Excel
  • Outlook/Email best practice discussions
  • Participant Word/Excel/Outlook scenarios: captured from Session 1
  • Practice: free play on Word, Excel and Outlook with 1:1 support

Session 3

  • Problem Solving: approaches and models
  • Work-based scenarios
  • Best Practice: (Administration Approaches)
  • Administration Support Network – for networking, support and development
To book this programme please check for available dates on the Staff Development Calendar.