Professorship and Readership Conferment information 2024

Call for Applications

The Professorship and Readership Conferment process for 2024 is now open. The deadline for submission of applications is Monday 29 January 2024 by 11.59pm.

Procedures for Submission

Full details of Criteria and Guidelines for Conferment can be downloaded via our Teams site.

Your application will consist of five individual documents, these are:

  1. Your CV (this must be on the CV template)
  2. One pathway specific letter, there are four pathways, each has its own specific letter template:
  3. An Application and Technical Criteria Pro forma.
  4. An Independent External Assessor’s form
  5. A signed copy of your latest Appraisal/PDPR form must also be provided with your application, this can be downloaded from Actus. 

We realise that the move back to the standard Professorship and Readership timeline may have complications in relation to the most recent Appraisal/PDPR and so please include your latest Appraisal/PDPR. Application will not be considered if any of the above documents are not included in your application.   

Each document should be saved individually in word format, with your first and last name and the title of the document (e.g. CV first name last name). The documents must be submitted in one email to, with the subject header 'Professorship/Readership Conferment Application 2024'.  

As part of our equal opportunities policies, we are committed to monitoring the progression of staff. We would be grateful if you could check that the diversity data that we hold for you is accurate. You can view and update this information on Staff Infobase.

In accordance with procedures the deadline for applications must be adhered to, late applications will only be considered under exceptional circumstances. 

Briefing Sessions

As has been previously advertised, a series of briefing sessions have been scheduled for members of staff interested in applying. The purpose of the sessions is to offer potential applicants the opportunity to ask any questions they may have regarding their application, ensure the criteria is fully understood and potential applicants have all the information that they need to apply. Information pertaining to the dates and times of these sessions can be found below.

Research and Scholarship Session

  • Faculty of Arts, Professional and Social Studies
  • Faculty of Business and Law

Date: 28 November 2023
Time: 11am
Session leads: Julie Sheldon and Tony Wall

Join the Research and Scholarship session via Teams

Meeting ID: 352 718 833 354
Passcode: 4nS5or

Research and Scholarship Session

  • Faculty of Science
  • Faculty of Engineering and Technology
  • Faculty of Health

Date: 14 December 2023
Time: 2pm
Session leads: Keith George and Jin Wang

Join the Research and Scholarship session via Teams

Meeting ID: 378 457 657 924
Passcode: gMGMaT

Teaching and Learning and the Student Experience Session

Date: 5 December 2023
Time: 2pm
Session leads: Phil Vickerman and Tony Wall

Join the Teaching and Learning and the Student Experience session via Teams

Meeting ID: 379 065 057 624
Passcode: 8NHFUa

Engaged Scholar Session

Date: 1 December 2023
Time: 11am
Session leads: Zoe Knowles and Caroline Wilkinson

Join the Engaged Scholar session via Teams

Meeting ID: 359 904 262 208
Passcode: QZvNbJ

Academic Leadership Session

Date: 11 December 2023
Time: 1pm
Session leads: Alison Cotgrave and Phil Vickerman

Join the Academic Leadership session via Teams

Meeting ID: 386 835 917 466
Passcode: bGG2LU

General Criteria Session

Date: 9 January 2024
Time: 2pm
Session leads: Keith George and Tony Wall

Join the General Criteria session via Teams

Meeting ID: 348 797 909 03
Passcode: NuYEah

University Strategy 2023-30

A PDF of the University Strategy for 2023-2030 can be accessed via our Teams site.

Faq Items

Circumstances Impacting on Volume of Activity

Frequently asked questions

Requests for visiting positions: Guidance notes and application form

Procedures for Appointing to Externally Advertised Professor Post

Procedures for Appointing to Externally Advertised Reader Post