School/Faculty Ethics Committees

A number of School based Research Ethics Committees (RECs) operate to provide an ethical opinion on research projects undertaken by undergraduate and post graduate taught students (including Prof Doc).

Find out more information (process, ethics application form) specific to School/faculty RECs:

Contact details for School/Faculty RECs

Biological and Environmental Sciences: Neil Simcock - 0151 231 8083

Business School: Jackie Douglas |

FETREC: Chair and School of Engineering rep - Robyn Pyne |

Built Environment: Undergraduate - Anupa Manewa - 0151 231 2867 | Postgraduate taught programmes - Vida Maliene - 0151 231 2854

Civil Engineering: Robyn Pyne - 0151 231 2522

Education: Jo Frankham - 0151 231 4608

Humanities and Social Science: Janet Jamieson - 0151 231 5089

Justice Studies: Matthew Millings - 0151 231 3838

Law - TBC

Liverpool School of Art and Design: | Carol Ryder - Undergraduate | John Byrne - Postgraduate taught ethics | Mark Roughley as UREC representative

Liverpool Screen School: Gerwyn Jones

Nursing and Allied Health:

Pharmacy and Biomolecular Sciences: Adam Lightfoot

Public Health Institute: Lorna Porcellato - 0151 231 4201 | Conan Leavey - 0151 231 4544

Psychology: Jennifer Chopra - 0151 904 6294

Sports and Exercise Sciences: Undergraduate - Neil Chester - 0151 904 6250 | Postgraduate taught programmes - Jonathan Foulkes

Governance Arrangements for Faculty/School Based Research Ethics Committees

The University’s Research Ethics Committee through its Terms of Reference is responsible for the provision of “oversight, guidance and support for the establishment and conduct of School/Faculty based research ethics committees established to provide advice on the ethical implications of research proposals which may lead to undergraduate or taught masters’ qualifications.”

The main University REC has established and approved a mechanism by which it can provide a supplementary review of decisions taken at local REC level as a means of quality assurance. Further details can be found here.