Things you should know before submitting to Canvas (Student Guide)

Before you submit to Canvas, you may want to consider the following guidance:

Need Help? Just ask

If you're having issues that are affecting your studies and/or your wellbeing, please contact the Student Engagement Team for confidential advice and support. They also offer workshops on a wide variety of topics including Managing Anxiety.

How to submit

Student Guide: How do I submit an online assignment

Academic Misconduct

By submitting any work for marking at LJMU, you are confirming that you are aware of the LJMU policy regarding cheating and all forms of academic misconduct. The submitted work is your own/the group's work and all the sources consulted have been appropriately acknowledged. You are aware that, in a case of doubt, an investigation may be held.

Check your Work

It is your responsibility to check that you have submitted the correct files. Marks may be unmoderated - Marks are finalised at the Board of Examiners.

Supported Fonts

When documents are viewed in Canvas, fonts are often converted from their original type face into a font that is supported. It is important that assignments submitted to Canvas use one of the supported fonts. Please ensure you use one of the Canvas Supported fonts for assignment submission.

The majority of work submitted to Canvas will use standardised fonts such as Arial, Calibri or Times New Roman. However assignments submitted using unsupported fonts risk having their work reformatted which could impact on the grade awarded.


You can also help improve digital accessibility by adding Alt text, using headings and accessibility checkers in your submitted work. For further information please see our student accessibility page.