Cost of attendance

Cost of attendance (COA) is the total amount of money that a student needs for educational purposes.

U.S. federal law allows the value of COA to include:

  • tuition fees
  • allowance for rent or hall charges
  • allowance for books, supplies and transport
  • allowance for dependent care, if required
  • financial support for any disability
  • coverage of any charges/premiums associated with a federal loan

When you apply for a loan we'll ask you to tell us about your individual costs. The University will calculate your COA to reflect typical student expenses – with a number of costs based on averages.

General living allowance

An amount for ‘general living allowance’ will be included within your COA.

For 2022/23, these set figures include:

  • £1023 per month for living costs (as stated by UKVI)
  • £900 per year for first year students (£300 per year for continuing students) towards the purchase of a computer or software
  • £1,014 per year for books/photocopying
  • Loan origination fees

When you apply for your loan you will be able to provide individual costs for:

  • Tuition fees
  • Accommodation
  • Visa application fees (including Immigration Healthcare Surcharge)
  • Childcare costs during term time (for dependant children)
  • Return airfare to America
  • Costs associated with a disability
  • Any additional study costs (such as costs for field trips, conferences, etc. as a course requirement and not included in your tuition fees)

Where can I get help with budgeting?

Online budgeting resources to help you prepare for the costs you may face at University are provided by the U.S. Department of Education: