Web Hub

What is the Web Hub tool?

The Web hub is a web based facility providing 24 hour access to data relating to Programs, Plans, Modules, Students, Surveys, Applications and much more. The reports and tools within the Web Hub are designed to aid every day working life in LJMU as well as to support strategic decision-making, based on fact, at a local level.

How Do I Access The Tool?

The tool can be accessed from the Acadeic Registry staff home page. If you have not utilised the tool before you may need to request access, should this be the case you will automatically be presented with the access request form, simlpy click the button within the form and you request will be sent through to APIS (access requests are assesed dutring normal working hours). Should you already have access you will simply need to enter you normal windows username and password.

How Do I Use The Tool?

The Web Hub has been designed to allow staff to view various student and statistical information from one source in a user friendly way. To navigate round the Web Hub is the same as navigating around a normal website.

All reports are available to view via a series of tabs at the top of every page, Data Quality for example contains reports looking at the quality of data in SIS in terms of exceptions.

Most reports employ the same method to allow you to use them, i.e. you select from options/tick boxes or enter search terms (depending on the report you are looking at) and click submit when required, as some reports will create automatically when you select a certain option.

On the more complex pages/reports you will notice a blue help icon in the top right corner, this can be clicked and a pop-up box will appear with details of what you are looking at.

What Data Is Used For The Web Hub?

The data is sourced from the institutional student records system, SIS. This is the definitive repository for student-related data and is used to produce program and student number-related statutory returns which form the basis for the recurrent funding from HEFCE.

All data, excluding survey data, bespoke HESA data requests and some benchmarking data which may be provided from external agencies such as IPSOS (NSS results), on the Web Hub originates from SIS, even when the data for a report is stated as being a statutory return, e.g. the HESA (Higher Education Statistics Agency) return it is still SIS based as these are generated from SIS before being submitted.