Leadership Consultancy

How we can work with your institution

As part of our commitment to support educational leadership across our region, the Centre offers leadership expertise to schools, colleges and other educational institutions and settings who require organisational interventions, leadership training and/or workforce development.

We use innovative organisational development techniques to identify workforce needs when co-developing training and supportive learning programmes that develop your employees and improve outcomes.

To discuss how we can support your institution further please contact the Head of Centre for Educational Leadership on s.r.slater@ljmu.ac.uk.

Some examples of areas, themes, and practice we can deliver training in are:

Executive Leadership

  • Supporting, developing, and enhancing executive leadership.
  • Coaching for executive leaders and teams.
  • Trust-wide: strategy, implementation, evaluation, and impact.
  • Governance for strategic impact.
  • ‘Becoming a CEO’: Supporting executive leaders in new Trust roles.

Senior and Emerging Leadership

  • Bespoke programmes for School/Setting leaders - influential professionals impacting on educational practice and outcomes.
  • Coaching for leaders and teams: Programmes of supported learning to create clarity and confidence in leadership growth.
  • Strategy, implementation, evaluation, and impact – the ethical practice of leadership.
  • Career development – reflective and proactive leadership.
  • Operational Leadership Programmes: Connecting enabling teams across your educational settings.
  • Leading Cross Functional Teams: Developing skills to lead ethically across your organisation.

Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion

  • Leading EDI across settings.
  • Embedding EDI in cultural practice.

Educational research and CPD programmes

  • Artificial Intelligence: policy, practice, and the future for education.
  • Embedding anti-racist cultures in educational settings.
  • Senior team building – an innovative programme to develop the skills of high performing leadership teams.
  • Community Diagnostics: Building organisational insights and interventions to achieve success.
  • Organisational Diagnostics: Understanding the workforce through ‘listening’ and evaluations.
  • Workforce Psychometrics: Supporting senior leaders to develop and grow through self-assessment opportunities.
  • Talent Management: Recruiting and retaining the very best workforce.


‘The real success of this programme is that it has been truly collaborative and is bespoke to our needs…this meant that leaders were engaged in the programme before it commenced and that the content was relevant and fully met our objectives.’

Corporate Development and Delivery Team, Liverpool City Region Combined Authority, 2022

‘Enjoyed combination of theory to practice…Excellent delivery, particularly liked use of live data feedback’

Module Feedback, Executive at large FE College, 2023

‘A chance to reflect, re-prioritise and clarify thinking. A really useful process.’

Supported Learning Programme for Deputy Headteachers, for a large Trust in the NW of England, 2023

‘The focus on the exact areas we are dealing with in school, the session was well organised, well delivered and full of expert knowledge. The resources to take away are great.’

‘Building an anti-racist culture in schools’ CPD session for Headteachers, Headteacher delegate, 2023