EDIpedia A to Z

EDIpedia A to Z

Browse our repository of STEM Scholar profiles

Over 300 profiles are available, created by interns, students and staff. The profiles currently cover academic disciplines within the LJMU Faculties of Science, Health, and Engineering and Technology.

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  1. Abdus Salam

    Mohammad Abdus Salam, was a Pakistani theoretical physicist. He shared the 1979 Nobel Prize in Physics with Sheldon Glashow and Steven Weinberg for his contribution to the electroweak unification theory.

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  2. Abraham Nemeth

    Abraham Nemeth obtained a PhD in mathematics from Wayne State University, Detroit. He is the inventor of the Nemeth Braille Code for Mathematics and Science Notation, still used extensively to this day among blind scholars.

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  3. Ada Lovelace

    Augusta Ada King, Countess of Lovelace, was an English mathematician and writer. She was the first person to foresee the creative potential of early computing technologies, realising it could do so much more given the right programming and inputs. 

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  4. Ada Pressman

    Ada Pressman is known for her breakthroughs in improving the precision and reliability of sensors and controls. She received the Society of Women Engineers’ achievement award in 1976 due to her immense contribution in the field of power control systems engineering.

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  5. Adi Shamir

    Adi Shamir is an Israeli cryptographer, computer scientist and mathematician. He is one of the inventors of the RSA algorithm, and has produced numerous contributions in both cryptography and computing.

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  6. Agness Onna Gidna

    Agness Onna Gidna is an anthropologist and the first Tanzanian woman to attain a 

    doctorate in Physical Anthropology. Our understanding of African Plio-Pleistocene sites has immensely benefited from her research and she has received grants from the Paleo-Anthropology Scientific Trust to support her projects.

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  7. Aileen Fox

    Aileen Fox was a British archaeologist born in 1907 and was one of the first female lecturers in archaeology (at the University College of the South West at Exeter). She was part of the excavation at Richborough Fort, where the Romans first landed in Britain.

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  8. Albert Sidney Beckham

    Albert Sidney Beckham specialised in educational and war psychology. He was one of the first psychologists to research Black intelligence and showed Black children’s IQ to be consistent with national averages.

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  9. Alexander Holevo

    Alexander Holevo is a Soviet and Russian mathematician, one of the pioneers of quantum information science. He is remembered for Holevo’s bound, a theorem that describes the amount of information that can be extracted from quantum states.

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  10. Alexandra Jones

    Alexandra Jones is an American archaeologist. She has been an Assistant Professor at Baltimore City Community College and an Adjunct Professor at the University of Baltimore. Jones founded the show ‘Time Team America’ in 2006 and her own organisation, ‘Archaeology in the Community’ in 2009.

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  11. Alice Augusta Ball

    Alice Augusta Ball was an American chemist. She obtained two degrees at the University of Washington and a masters degree at the University of Hawaii, making her the first black person with such achievements at that time. Ball developed the first treatment for leprosy called the 'Ball Method' which was used for 30 years.

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  12. Alison Galloway

    Alison Galloway is a British forensic anthropologist who obtained her from the University of Arizona. She has co-published three books and has assisted on some major cases. Her research is focused on the legal aspects of her discipline.

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  13. Alison Kahn

    Alison Kahn is an Electronics Engineer based in Boulder, Colorado, who has cerebral palsy. She works on the US broadband network and has acted as Project Lead for First Responder Personal Area Network research: This work aims to make it easier for first responders to use Internet of Things data during live operations.

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  14. Almyra Oveta Fuller

    Almyra Oveta Fuller is an American virologist. As a Methodist pastor, she organised the Trusted Messenger Intervention (TMI) to educated people in Zambia and the US on HIV/AIDS. She was awarded both the ‘Woman of the Year in Human Relations’ and the Robert Smith Humanitarian Award for her contributions.

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  15. Alyse Coates

    Alyse Coates has a masters degree, a PhD, and chartered status in engineering. She was diagnosed with dyslexia during the second year of her PhD. Despite this disorder, she continued with her career and now works as an electromagnetic compatibility specialist with Rolls-Royce.

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  16. Amanda J Visek

    Amanda J Visek specialises in community counselling, as well as sport, health, and exercise psychology. She received the early career achievement award from the American Psychological Association and the Association for Applied Sport Psychology.

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  17. Amane Nishi

    Amane Nishi was a Japanese psychologist and philosopher who created the term ‘Shinrigaku’. Originally meaning mental philosophy, intellect, sensibilities, and will, the word is now used in Japanese to mean ‘psychology’.

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  18. Amelia Edwards

    Amelia Edwards was a British archaeologist. While travelling countries, she decided in 1873 to dedicate her life protecting Egypt's ancient sites. In 1882, she set up the Egypt Exploration Fund with the help of the British Museum. She is known as 'The Godmother of Egyptology'.

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  19. Amina Memon

    Amina Memon has acted as a Professor of Psychology at Royal Holloway, University of London. She specialises in applied cognitive and social psychology, forensic psychology, and human rights. Her research examines cognitive interviewing techniques in police investigations.

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  20. Amy Baltzell

    Amy Baltzell specialises in performance psychology, mindfulness, and well-being. She taught the first Sport Psychology course offered at Harvard University. Baltzell is a certified by the Association of Applied Sport Psychology as a Mental Performance Consultant.

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