2025/26 entry

MArch Architecture

Start date(s):
Study mode:
Course duration:
2 years

Tuition fees

Home full-time per year
International full-time per year
General enquiries:
0151 231 5090
International admissions

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Fees and funding


Further your career prospects

LJMU has an excellent employability record with 96% (HESA 2018) of our postgraduates in work or further study six months after graduation. Our applied learning techniques and strong industry connections ensure our students are fully prepared for the workplace on graduation and understand how to apply their knowledge in a real world context.

The student experience

Discover life as a postgraduate student at LJMU.

Course modules

Discover the building blocks of your programme

Core modules

Theory and Research 1: theoretical studies and research methods
30 credits

This module will explore critical methods in Architectural and Urban Design and the connections of Art and Architecture. You will have the opportunity to define a research question and develop an understanding of different research methods appropriate for your subsequent specialist study.

Urban Design 1: Creative urbanism and regeneration within an analytical and theoretical context
30 credits

The module commences with a series of urban design lectures that manifest in a design theory essay. Concurrently, analytical studies and creative tasks lead into the group urban design project, proposing the regeneration of an urban area, which is underpinned by a theoretical position derived from the design theory exercise. An individual urban design study follows on, such that the whole module effectively delivers an entire urban design process of research, analysis, theoretical positioning, design at different scales, and communication.

Integrated Design 1: options for resilient living
30 credits

The module commences with analytical explorations of precedent studies in response to the focus of the design brief typologies, expected to underpin your design work. Following from this, design work from urban scale (emerging from your Urban Design 1 work) to building and interiors will lead to a complete proposal presented following competition methodology. A set of technical and environmental studies follow, so that the entire module effectively delivers a holistic study, from typological analysis, to critical considerations, design at different scales, and communication.

Practice and Legislation: Understanding the designer's role in the contemporary built environment
30 credits

An exciting opportunity to reflect upon contemporary, ethical design practice and also to be directly involved in 'live' architectural projects within the North West region. You will be working, in groups, with real clients on a variety of projects identified by them with a member of staff as a mentor. You will act as a 'mini practice' and resolve and advise your respective clients on professional issues.

Theory and Research 2: thesis studies - critical writing and design research
30 credits

This module provides the opportunity for you to produce a substantial piece of written work based upon extensive research of your chosen subject area as defined in 7111MAS. It is the chance for you to develop ideas and explore in detail an area of the subject of Architecture which lies beyond the immediacy of the design process.

Urban Design 2: thesis urban strategy
30 credits

In this module you will develop ideas suggested in 7211MAR and expand them into a comprehensive Urban Design strategy for a transect of the city. Your Urban Designs will go onto to provide the context for your thesis research and eventual project design drawing together the various strands of Architecture into a wider thesis year.

Integrated Design 2: Thesis architectural design - ideas through building
60 credits

In this 60 credit module for full time students, you will propose and develop a Thesis defining your own agendas and exploring ideas through the medium of building designs.

Course tutors

Our staff are committed to the highest standards of teaching and learning

Entry requirements

You will need:

Qualification requirements

Undergraduate degree

  • a minimum 2:2 honours degree in Architecture

Additional requirements

  • Interview required

    • to attend an interview

International requirements


    • IELTS 6.5 (minimum 5.5 in each component)

Further information

  • Extra Requirements
    • Assessment of suitability to the course may also be undertaken by review of a portfolio of work and an interview
    • Students with first degrees without RIBA/ARB Part 1 exemption should be aware that the MArch awards exemption from RIBA / ARB Part 2 only. If you wish to register as an Architect in this country or become an RIBA Chartered architect you will have to acquire RIBA / ARB Part 1 separately
  • RPL

    • RPL is accepted on this programme

The University reserves the right to withdraw or make alterations to a course and facilities if necessary; this may be because such changes are deemed to be beneficial to students, are minor in nature and unlikely to impact negatively upon students or become necessary due to circumstances beyond the control of the University. Where this does happen, the University operates a policy of consultation, advice and support to all enrolled students affected by the proposed change to their course or module.

Further information on the terms and conditions of any offer made, our admissions policy and the complaints and appeals process.