Cardiovascular Health and Care Interest Group

Providing solutions from bench to bedside

Cardiovascular (heart and circulatory) disease causes over 150,000 deaths each year in the UK. This equates to around 420 people dying each day from a mainly preventable condition. Moreover, around seven million people living with the condition require ongoing healthcare at a cost to the NHS of around £9 billion.

This research group, co-ordinated by Professor Ian Jones and Dr Ellen Dawson, brings together staff from seven different schools across the University with a diverse range of expertise that includes all aspects of health and care, ranging from biomedical science, health science, nursing, nutrition, pharmacology, psychology and sports science. This multi-disciplinary approach recognises that cardiovascular disease cannot be defeated without a joined up approach that includes prevention, treatment, care and rehabilitation. Our real-world applied research aims to provide healthcare solutions from bench to bedside.

We have established relationships with external stakeholders developing new collaborative projects with consultant cardiologists, cardiac surgeons, advanced cardiovascular nurses, public health professionals, healthcare scientists and cardiac physiologists in the region. This group has a long term aim of developing a Liverpool Research Centre for Excellence in cardiovascular research.

Research themes

Faq Items

Cardiovascular disease prevention and rehabilitation

Cardiovascular physiology

Understanding the impact of cardiovascular disease on patients and families

Congenital heart disease

Research impact

  • Collaborative funded research projects between the Faculty of Education, Health and Community and the Faculty of Science
  • PhD supervision including formal cross Faculty funded and supervised students
  • Co-authorship of academic papers in a number of high profile journals
  • Further joint bids for PGR students
  • Contribution to existing research projects

Key external partners

  • Alder Hey Children's NHS Foundation Trust
  • Aarhus University Hospital, Denmark
  • Bridgewater Community Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust Cardiomyopathy UK
  • Damibu Ltd
  • Inspiring Healthy Lifestyles, Wigan
  • Liverpool Clinical Commissioning Group
  • Liverpool City Council
  • Liverpool Heart and Chest Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
  • Liverpool Medical Institute
  • Liverpool Women’s NHS Foundation Trust
  • Royal Liverpool and Broadgreen University Hospital NHS Trust

Contact us

For further information about the Cardiovascular Health and Care Interest Group, please contact Professor Ian Jones or Dr Ellen Dawson.


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