Injustice and Harm

Injustice and Harm: Reforming and reconceptualising

The Injustice and Harm stream seeks to provide insight into the harms of contemporary criminal justice, political and socio-cultural processes. This strand of research reconceptualises the nature of harm in society, turning attention from normative notions of the harmful and harmless and instead identifying those who are victimised by social structures, policies and practices. Much of this work calls for the overhaul of existing frameworks of governance, arguing that until reform takes place injustice and harm will continue unabated. Recent work within this stream includes:

  • Criminal law and criminal justice
  • Drug prohibition 
  • Political violence
  • Professional sports
  • Sexual violence and the night-time economy
  • Victimology

Find out more about some of these projects

Find out more about some of these projects

Conflict Legacies in Northern Ireland

Criminal Law and Criminal Justice

Independent Drug Checking

Researching Professional Wrestling and Sports Entertainment in the United States

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