Photography and video consent privacy notice

Information you need to know

Information about Liverpool John Moores University (LJMU) can be found on our website.

LJMU is the Data Controller.

Our Data Protection Officer can be contacted at

LJMU takes your privacy very seriously. This privacy notice explains how we use your personal information and your rights regarding that information. We will always use your data as set out in the principles of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and all current Data Protection Legislation. We are committed to being transparent about how we collect and use your data and to meeting our data protection obligations.

For information about how the wider University uses personal data please see the Privacy Notice section of our website.

What information are we collecting?

Liverpool John Moores University processes photos, videos, audio recordings and interviews captured in University photoshoots/filming/interview sessions, to promote the University and its services.

This material may may be published in:

  • brochures promoting LJMU and/or its courses, print and digital
  • LJMU’s website
  • digital and printed displays around LJMU’s estate
  • website content placement on partner platforms and/or used in paid-for advertising; including but not limited to social media eg Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Snapchat, YouTube; Digital web adverts
  • outdoor advertising eg bus sides, billboards, posters
  • broadcast media
  • print media
  • any other channel or format deemed appropriate by the University

Why are we collecting your data and what is the legal basis for this?

LJMU will collect personal data from you for several reasons, and will at all times do so in compliance with the principles of the GDPR, and for one of the legal basis set out in Article 6 of the Regulation.

When you volunteer your image, opinion or voice to be used by LJMU we will only use it on the basis that we have your consent to do so.

Consent should always be informed and you should be told in person or via this privacy notice how your personal data may be used.

This consent will be collected and managed in an appropriate way that allows us to identify the individual that it belongs to. In some cases, verbal consent may be collected from you and recorded within video footage.

You have the right to withdraw your consent at any time, meaning that we can no longer use your personal data for new marketing activities, and will delete your personal data from our media archives. Please note that large quantities of printed brochures may already have been printed and/or distributed, and we may not be able to remove all instances of an image from third party websites. Please contact or our data protection officer to exercise this right.

Who has access to this data?

Your personal data will be used only by relevant LJMU staff where the data is necessary for them to undertake their designated role.

Examples of relevant staff may include:

  • our marketing and communications teams in faculties and across the university
  • LJMU staff promoting the university and its courses

Examples of external parties we may lawfully share information with include:

  • third party photographers/videographers/media production companies
  • third party reps promoting the university and its courses
  • event organisers
  • printing companies
  • advertising agencies, broadcasters, print media companies and online advertising platforms.

How does the University protect your data?

The University takes Data Protection very seriously and at all times your personal data will be handled in line with the University’s Information Security Policy.

All media is stored in our secure systems. Access is limited to only those staff and third party processers who have a need to.

For how long does the University keep your data?

Media items can sometimes be kept indefinitely in our digital library or until the point that you withdraw your consent.

Your rights

As a data subject, you have a number of rights. You can:

  • access and obtain a copy of your data on request, this could be in a portable electronic format;
  • require the University to change incorrect or incomplete data if you think that it is inaccurate or out of date
  • require the University to delete or stop processing your data, for example where the data is no longer necessary or legally required for the purposes of processing
  • the right to withdraw your consent.

If you would like to exercise any of these rights, please contact the Data Protection Officer

What if you do not provide data?

Our Media team only collect consent from individuals where we are also collecting personal data from them.

Transfers of data outside the UK

Generally, we do not send your personal data outside the UK. However, in some specific cases we may transfer the personal data we collect to countries outside the UK in order to perform our contract with you/or a contract with another organisation that requires your personal data i.e. a collaboration agreement with a university based outside of the UK. Where we do this, we will ensure that your personal information is protected by way of an ‘adequacy regulation’ with the UK or by putting alternative appropriate measures in place to ensure that your personal information is treated by those third parties in a way that is consistent with and which respects the UK laws on data protection. For example model contractual clauses, data sharing/data processing agreement and binding corporate rules (where applicable).

Automated decision making

We will not make any decisions about you automatically using a computer, based on your personal data. All decisions affecting you will be taken by a human.

How to complain to the Information Commissioner’s Office?

You have the right to complain to The Information Commissioner if you believe that our processing of your personal data does not meet our data protection obligations. The Information Commissioner can be contacted:

Post: Information Commissioners Office, Wycliffe House, Water Lane, Wilmslow, Cheshire, SK95AF.
Telephone: 0303 123 1113.
Email: contact can be made by accessing