Website progress updates

The LJMU website provides information to all of our different audiences and serves as one of the university's primary marketing tools. Due to the continuously eveloving nature of the website we are in the process of making some siginificant updates, the details of these projects are below.


We want as many people as possible to be able to use our website. Accessibility is one of our primary commitments and we are regularly making updates to ensure we are compliant with government regulations.  

View our latest accessibility report on Silktide - the global accessibility league table. 


Web performance is all about making our website fast and ensure content loads quickly and efficiently. We are always making optimisation improvements to the LJMU website to improve load speeds and reduce the amount of data needed to view pages on our website.

You can see an overview of the traffic website using this Google Analytics report. The data displayed defaults to the last 28 days however you can update the date ranges displayed using the selector in the top right corner.

Web development project work

  1. Applicant hub enhancements

    The Applicant Hub is a key conversion tool for students wanting to study with us. We plan to enhance the user interface to show applicants what stage of the applicant journey they are at. We will also highlight outstanding tasks they still need to do. As part of this development we also plan to dynamically display rich, engaging content to help sell the experience of studying with LJMU.

  2. New course page designs

    The course pages are being given a complete overhaul to modernise their layout and make them easier to navigate. We are also planning to bring in a wide range of rich media customised to the different course offerings.

  3. New staff homepage

    The staff home page is being reworked to provide more information and allow users to personalise how the page looks via a new Useful Links component. This component will replace the current Quick Links and allow staff members to customise the order of the links.

  4. Website search improvements

    The internal website search is being redesigned to make search easier to use for all of our users. We'll be simplifying the search options and highlighting the different segments of the website that will allow users to focus their search queries.