Copying forward Panopto recordings into your new Canvas course (Staff Guide)

Note: We recommend that you do not select Assignments when importing content as this may have unintended consequences. We recommend you create assignments afresh in your new course.

Important: When copying courses, ensure you do not include Calendar activities.

  1. Open up your new empty course (where you are copying to). If you cannot identify your course in the dashboard, click on 'courses' in the main menu and then select 'All Courses'.
  2. On your course home page click on 'Import Existing Content' button.Image displays Import Existing Content button in side panel
  3. In the Content Type option, select the 'Copy a Canvas Course' option.Image displays Import comment box
  4. In the Search for a course box, type your course code or title and select the course you would like to access. You can choose to include completed courses by selecting the completed courses checkbox.
  5. Ensure you choose the ‘Select specific content’ option
  6. Click the import button

You might notice a number of issues that occurred during the import. If you check these, you will find that these are probably minor issues and should not be a cause for concern. Remember to test the course through Student View before publishing the course to check for last minute changes.

If you encounter any problems, you can get in touch by phoning canvas support on 0800 069-8618, chat with canvas via the help option in your canvas main menu or contact the Teaching and Learning Academy via LJMUHelpMe.



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