Dr Julie Connolly
Public and Allied Health
Faculty of Health
Email: J.Connolly@ljmu.ac.uk
Telephone: 0151 231 4397
2019, Liverpool John Moores University, United Kingdom, PhD
2001, University of Kent at Canterbury, United Kingdom, MA
1990, Liverpool School of Nursing, Registered General Nurse
Connolly J. 2019. Coping with Carbon Monoxide (CO) exposure: An Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis Shaw A, Carey P, Malin A. Public Url
Medforth N, Atkinson A, Clarke P, Connolly J, Greenop D, Huntingdon E, Kewley O, Turner G. Sex, Drugs and Risk Control: report on the small-acale evaluation of the course commissioned by St. Helens Young People's Services
Research Grants Awarded:
Gas Safety Trust, Coping with Carbon Monoxide (CO) exposure: An Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis, Grant value (£): £56,000, Duration of research project: 1 year. 2018
FHEA, Advance HE. 2014