Dr Andrew Naylor
School of Engineering
Faculty of Engineering and Technology
Email: A.Naylor1@ljmu.ac.uk
Telephone: 0151 904 1531
I am a Chartered Engineer with over a decade of experience spanning both academia and industry. I deliver on a variety of taught modules within the School of Engineering, my main teaching area being Computer Aided Methods. I am committed to developing my students by inspiring academic achievement and maximising opportunities beyond graduation. To support these commitments, I use up to date "real-world" scenarios in my teaching and for student projects.
My research interests include:
• Multidisciplinary design and process optimisation
• Metrology
• Surface engineering
• Medical devices
I welcome enquiries from prospective PhD students interested in one of the above areas.
2013, Northumbria University, PhD, Machining Science
2009, Northumbria University, BEng (Hons), Mechanical Engineering
Senior Lecturer in Computer Aided Engineering, School of Engineering, Liverpool John Moores University, 2021 - present
Postdoctoral Researcher, School of Mechanical and Systems Engineering, Newcastle University, 2013 - 2018
Mechanical Design and Process Engineer, Erwin Hymer Group UK, 2018 - 2021
Advance HE, Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (FHEA), 2017 – present
Engineering Council, Chartered Engineer (CEng), 2016 – present
Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Member (MIMechE), 2016 – present
Journal article
Pitt CN, Ashkanfar A, English R, Naylor A, Opoz TT, Langton DJ, Joyce TJ. 2024. Development of a bespoke finite element wear algorithm to investigate the effect of femoral centre of rotation on the wear evolution in total knee replacements Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials, 163 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Naylor A, Ashkanfar A, Liu X, English R. 2023. Knee wraps are detrimental to the maximal squat performance of powerlifters competing in lower weight classes Kinesiology, 55 :282-288 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Bone MC, Naylor A. 2017. Failure of an ACCIS metal-on-metal hip resurfacing prosthesis: A case report Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part H: Journal of Engineering in Medicine, 231 :1188-1194 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Wilkinson SJ, Naylor A, Goh KL. 2017. Digital image analysis protocol for determining the radiocarpal joint space in the rheumatoid arthritic wrist Computers in Biology and Medicine, 89 :127-134 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Scholes S, Colledge C, Naylor A, Mahdi M, Smith A, Joyce T. 2016. Potential Synthetic Biolubricant as an Alternative to Bovine Serum Lubricants, 4 :38-38 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Naylor A, Talwalkar S, Trail I, Joyce T. 2016. Evaluating the Surface Topography of Pyrolytic Carbon Finger Prostheses through Measurement of Various Roughness Parameters Journal of Functional Biomaterials, 7 :9-9 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Naylor A, Bone MC, Unsworth A, Talwalkar SC, Trail IA, Joyce TJ. 2015. In vitro wear testing of the PyroCarbon proximal interphalangeal joint replacement: Five million cycles of flexion and extension Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part H: Journal of Engineering in Medicine, 229 :362-368 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Naylor A, Talwalkar S, Trail I, Joyce T. 2015. In Vitro Wear Testing of a CoCr-UHMWPE Finger Prosthesis with Hydroxyapatite Coated CoCr Stems Lubricants, 3 :244-255 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Naylor A. 2014. Evaluating the Cutting Mechanics of Woodworking Hand-Saw Teeth International Journal of Materials, Mechanics and Manufacturing, 2 :113-116 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Naylor A, Hackney P. 2013. A Review of Wood Machining Literature with a Special Focus on Sawing BioResources, 8 :3122-3125 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Naylor A, Hackney P, Perera N, Clahr E. 2012. A predictive model for the cutting force in wood machining developed using mechanical properties BioResources, 7 :2883-2894 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Conference publication
Naylor A, Huo D, Hackney P, Perera N. 2017. Operational performance of individual handsaw teeth 23rd International Wood Machining Seminar
Naylor A, Bone MC, Talwalkar SC, Trail IA, Giddins G, Joyce TJ. 2016. Topographical evaluation of pyrolytic carbon finger prostheses Engineering the Upper Limb
Naylor A, Bone MC, Giddins G, Talwalkar SC, Trail IA, Joyce TJ. 2016. A comparison of ex vivo, in vitro tested, and unused pyrolytic carbon prostheses Combined Meeting of the Australian Hand Surgery Society and American Society for Surgery of the Hand
Bone MC, Naylor A, Langton DJ, Joyce TJ. 2015. Analysis of a Surface Engineered Metal on Metal Hip Resurfacing: A Case Study Hip Surgery: A Joint Engineering and Surgical Challenge
Naylor A, Trail IA, Talwalkar SC, Joyce TJ. 2015. Evaluating the articulating surface roughness of new pyrocarbon proximal interphalangeal prostheses British Society for Surgery of the Hand: Proceedings of the Autumn Scientific Meeting
Naylor A, Trail IA, Joyce TJ. 2015. In vitro wear testing of the MatOrtho® PIPR™ prosthesis 25th Congress of the International Society of Biomechanics
Naylor A, Bone MC, Unsworth A, Talwalker SC, Trail IA, Joyce TJ. 2014. Evaluating the wear and surface roughness of pyrocarbon finger prostheses tested in vitro Bath Biomechanics Symposium: Current Issues and Future Opportunities in Orthopaedic Research
Naylor A, Bone MC, Talwalkar SC, Unsworth A, Trail IA, Joyce TJ. 2014. In vitro testing of pyrolytic carbon proximal interphalangeal prostheses British Society for Surgery of the Hand: Proceedings of the Spring Scientific Meeting
Naylor A, Hackney P, Perera N. 2012. Evaluation of handsaw tooth performance through the development of a controlled cutting test rig Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Manufacturing Research
Naylor A, Hackney P, Perera N. 2012. Determination of wood strength properties through standard test procedures Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Manufacturing Research
Naylor A, Hackney P, Perera N. 2011. Machining of Wood using a Rip Tooth: Effects of Work-piece Variations on Cutting Mechanics 20th International Wood Machining Seminar
Editorial/letter to the editor
Naylor A. 2016. In Response to Michael Wininger’s Commentary: Common Roadblocks for Biomaterials Metrologists Journal of Functional Biomaterials, 3 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Naylor A. 2014. Can Wood be used as a Bio-mechanical Substitute for Bone during Evaluation of Surgical Machining Tools? BioResources, 9 DOI Publisher Url
Naylor A. Utilisation of Single Tooth Procedures to Establish the Cutting Mechanics of Woodworking Hand-saw Teeth Hackney P, Perera N, Sarwar M.