Clearing blog 2023

Don’t think university is for you? Think again! LJMU’s caring community is here to support you to achieve your best.

You might have been considering university but might not feel confident enough to take your learning to the next level. You might even be asking yourself, “Am I going to be able to do it?”

Making the jump to a degree can feel like a leap to anyone. It’s important to remember that you’re not alone. Students come from all different academic backgrounds and understanding how to get the most out of your degree can feel like a module in itself!

That’s why our Academic Achievement Team are at the heart of learning at LJMU. Their job is to make sure you’re able to achieve your full potential whilst studying with us. They offer advice on studying at university, as well as how to write great assignments and get the grades you want in your assessments.

Their classes, drop-in sessions and one-to-one appointments mean that you can get help with a wide range of topics and get tailored advice about studying at university. This includes getting help with planning your assignments and workload, note-making, academic reading and critical analysis, and academic writing including using maths and statistics in your assignments, and doing research and writing for your dissertation.

You can also email a draft of any assignment for the team to review by using their Feedforward service. This incredible resource helps you get advice on your academic writing by giving suggestions on how you may be able to develop and improve your writing before you hand in your work.

They also run a weekly writing café where you can come and get on with your assignments with other students in a quiet and comfortable space, and with Academic Achievement Tutors on hand to offer advice or answer questions about your work. They also provide refreshments – pass the biscuits!

Your Personal Tutor is also there to help guide you through your academic life at LJMU. Personal Tutors are academic staff from your area of study who are there to support your success, from making sense of assessment feedback to helping you get skills that will help with your career after your degree and much more in between.

"By the time results day came, I couldn't even consider university. I took a year out and realised that education had always been my favourite place to be. I decided that I did want to go, I just didn't know where or how."

I only decided the following year on Results Day to reapply. As soon as I picked up the phone and explained my circumstances, I was met with overwhelming support. People just wanted to help. Every step was accounted for. University was finally within reach.

Everybody at LJMU wants you to succeed in your studies and we can’t wait to offer you endless opportunities to grow as a person and fulfil your academic potential.

Your journey starts with Clearing.


Is university for me?


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