Password protection: keeping it simple

Keeping our digital data safe is serious. All students and staff should look after their data and privacy online.

Strong passwords are an essential defence against unauthorised access to your online accounts. Creating a strong, long, complex password will reduce the potential for a cybercriminal to access your data.

Here's a simple guide to making sure your passwords are strong and your online life stays secure:  

  1. Mix It Up, Be Tricky: When making passwords, use a mix of capitalised letters, small letters, numbers, and symbols. Skip the easy stuff like "123456" or your pet's name and choose something stronger that no one can guess.  

  1. One Password for One Thing: Don't use the same password for everything. Each account needs its own unique password. That way, if one gets caught, the others stay safe.  

  1. Change Things Up: Change and update your passwords regularly. This keeps things confusing for anyone trying to steal your data and ensures your online privacy is safe. 

  1. Don’t write it down: Writing down passwords is a big no. Try to remember them or use apps that keep them safe and don’t share your passwords with other people. 

Digital security wellbeing and awareness project by LJMU students

To raise awareness of protecting your data online, LJMU’s data protection team has worked with law, business and media production students to create a campaign across the university to highlight how to stay one step ahead of cyber crime. Check out the video above or view our Privacy and Digital Security webpages. 


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